Wednesday, 29 January 2014

An Arundel Tomb

Stone monument in Chichester Catherdral.

Stanza 1:
  • "side by side"- shows intimacy
  • "faces blurred"- over time their features have become less clear, main intentions become lost.
stanza 2:
  • "pre-baroque"- era in art terms.
  • "holding her hand"- shows respect and love. (symbolism)
stanza 3:
  • "lie so long"- didn't expect it to become an emblem.
  • "sweet commissioned grace"- sculptor added it as a form of respect, (ref. to holding hands)
  • "Latin names" no one understands the Latin anymore, only go by the knowledge rather than true meaning. Love (symbols) can cover the true meaning.
stanza 4:
  • "stationary voyage"- oxymoron, if its 'stationary' its still yet a 'voyage' is a journey. Voyage through time and different era's.
  • "to look, not read"- people follow the looks of the statue not the true meaning
stanza 5:
  • "snow fell undated" "summer thronged"- seasons change along with time.
  • "altered people"- different generations have passed but all know the statue.
stanza 6:
  • "washing"- could symbolise the statues wearing away but also sadness of their lose.
  • "attitude remains"- sense of hope, idea that love can remain.
stanza 7:
  • "time has transfigured them into untruth"- over time they've changed and the main emblem is changing, people see what they want to see.

"Our almost-instinct almost true: What will survive of us is love"- this is an optimistic summary of Larkin's view on love, the use of 'us' is more collective showing it includes everyone. The idea that love can last even after death, love still survives perhaps implying love is like a soul and will never disappear. The statue wasn't meant to be famous for holding hands but that has become the main symbol and its the only symbol people can visualise as they don't know the whole story they only go by the looks. Small details are most important and keep emotions together.  

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