Saturday, 8 March 2014

The Large Cool Store

The large cool store selling cheap clothes           charity/budget shop,  judgmental
Set out in simple sizes plainly                               boring and plain colours.
 (Knitwear, Summer Casuals, Hose,
In browns and greys, maroon and navy)
Conjures the weekday world of those

Who leave at dawn low terraced houses             working class, industry ( Whitsun wedding- classes)
Timed for factory, yard and site.
But past the heaps of shirts and trousers             work clothes
Spread the stands of Modes For Night:              occasions, best clothes for the night Machine-embroidered, thin as blouses,             interesting colours, smarter

Lemon, sapphire, moss-green, rose
Bri-Nylon Baby Dolls and Shorties
Flounce in clusters. To suppose
They share that world, to think their sort is     distancing himself from lower classes.
Matched by something in it, shows

How separate and unearthly love is,               love -mythical, not cynical
Or women are, or what they do,                      women are cheap, sexism
Or in our young unreal wishes                      (feminine rhyme, sounds like it should rhyme .)
 Seem to be: synthetic, new,
And natureless in ecstasies.

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